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This is a Maintenance Must-Have

Feb 26, 2020




Do you have a favorite go-to dress?


You know the one . . .


You love it, it reliably looks good, it’s appropriate for most any occasion and you already have the right accessories for it.


Life’s just easier when you know you have something suitable to fall back on.


It doesn’t take much thought and you’re ready for anything. It’s good.

May not be the flashiest or the newest but it’s a staple and works . . . works well.


If we want to maintain our weight, that’s what we need for our meals, too.


Your go-to meals.


Maintenance must-haves.


Food that you always have on hand, that you don’t have to think about and that satisfies your taste buds and your calorie count.


At least one breakfast, one lunch and one dinner.


It doesn’t mean you need to eat the same thing every day for the rest of your life (although, you could if you like, and it sure would make things super easy!)


It just means that you have your own back.


You have a breakfast that’s easy to make, satisfying and tasty. It has the right number of calories that doesn’t break the bank and sets you up to have the energy you need to get through the morning.


Your go-to lunch is easy to pack up and you always have the ingredients on hand. You love it and you look forward to it knowing it’ll get you through to the afternoon.


Your staple dinner may be a little looser—meaning it may be a list of component parts, something like a lean protein, a veggie and a salad. Any combo of ingredients that fit, works and it makes your life easier knowing generally what dinner will look like. Going to the market is simple and flexible—what looks good this week?


When you have a menu of meals that fits into your daily calorie total, tastes good and gives you the energy you need, the mystery is solved. Forever.


Once you know what reliably works, you can feel free to tweak the staple into something even better by substituting the newest alternative pasta or protein, seasonal vegetable or trendy condiment.


If you don’t have go-to meals, now’s the time to get some.


It takes some experimenting.


I wanted yogurt to be my easy morning breakfast, but it just didn’t last as long as I wanted. After some egg experiments (too time consuming) and an oatmeal phase (too many calories), I landed on cottage cheese and fresh blueberries as the perfect combo of ease, taste and satisfaction.


My mornings have been humming along ever since.


There’s no rush. Take your time to find what really works.


It’s so worth it.


Then your brain will have room for other things like planning the next time you get to wear your little black dress.