Past Blog/Videos

Works Like Magic for Weight Loss Apr 29, 2020



If I somehow unsuspectingly walked into a room and found myself confronted by lights and a camera and a microphone held by the one and only Oprah and she asked me to name the ONE THING that makes the biggest impact on weight management, I know exactly what I’d say.



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How to Stop Overeating Apr 15, 2020



We’d planned to see the giant sequoias over spring break.


A tiny virus postponed that trip but couldn’t put a damper on our Family Road Trip enthusiasm.


So we improvised :)


Instead of 4 days among the trees, we spent 4 hours car-exploring the...

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Dr. Fein's Detox Jan 01, 2020



It’s probably not what you think.


I won’t be recommending any particular drink or supplements or fasting of any kind.


As it happens, there’s no need to do anything special to detoxify your body. Miraculously, it does it all by itself. 24/7.



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Eliminate Your But for Faster Weight Loss Oct 16, 2019




Language matters.


Louise Hay, one of my favorite teachers, is a stickler for language. She teaches that thoughts (language in your mind) impact your environment.


Positively worded thoughts create positive feelings and negatively worded thoughts create negative...

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Measuring Success Oct 02, 2019




It’s easy to measure success in weight loss—it’s measured in pounds lost.


Measuring Maintenance is a different story.


It’s only in retrospect, really. It’s measured in time—6, 12, 24 months at the same desired weight.


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How to Have True Joy Sep 18, 2019



Last week we talked about the cost of food Joy, out of proportion desire and the benefits of True Joy (read all about it here).


Today we start getting you that True Joy.


True Joy is the key to losing weight and keeping it off.


If the only joy you have in your...

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Reached a Plateau? Ask These Questions Jul 10, 2019




Plateaus can be sooooo frustrating.


We’re plugging along, doing our thing, eating well and moving in ways we haven’t before. And it’s working. We’re feeling better and losing weight. We’re motivated to keep on going.


All is well.


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How to Determine Your Ideal Weight Jun 26, 2019



Last week we talked about Weight Goals (catch up here)—they are milestones on the way to your Goal.


Today we get to talk about Goal Weight and in particular how to pick yours.


The term “Ideal Weight” can have a negative connotation. As if there is...

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To Fast or Not to Fast? Jun 12, 2019




Just to be clear, you already fast.

Every day.

Every time you snuggle in bed for the night, you’re not eating for hours in a row. And then you break the fast by eating . . . well, breakfast.


So fasting itself is not the issue.


The trending topic of...

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Your ONE Thing May 29, 2019




I just finished Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing.


It’s a productivity book.


I’ve been into those lately and I’m surprised by how much I’ve learned from this genre. I consider myself an organized person, but some of these concepts...

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Friends and Food: 18 Ways to Connect Without Calories May 08, 2019



Studies show that people with strong social networks live longer. Check out this cool infographic from WebMD to see how.



Getting together with a friend is one of life’s great pleasures.


But all too often, in this day and age, it comes with lots of extra...

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Lesson Learned from French Fries Apr 24, 2019



I’m a French Fry Snob . . . well, that actually implies that I might meet a fry I didn’t like.  Ha!

I think French Fry Fanatic is more like it (although, steak fries? Really?)


I was recently at a conference and it was dinner break time. I took myself to a...

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