Ep 7: Holiday Blues


While the holiday season can be full of joy and fun, it often also brings up a lot of other feelings, especially for those going through infertility.

The entire process of infertility can be a challenge, but oftentimes, the difficult emotions that come up, the ones that we don’t want to feel, make it even harder. During the holidays there may be family gatherings with little kids, pregnancy announcements, and insensitive folks that can make this time feel very tender while you’re going through it all.

The bodily issues during IVF are mostly temporary and we know what to expect, for the most part, with the hormones. However, emotions aren’t something we’re often taught to deal with, so most of us end up dealing with difficult feelings by eating our way through them, but my friend, there is another way. You can learn to handle your uncomfortable feelings, feel comforted and not gain weight in the process.


Tune in to learn how.  


If you’d like to do this work with my support, I’d love to help you.  Just go to my website below and click LOSE WEIGHT WITH ME in the upper right-hand corner!

Links & Resources:

IG: instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd
