Ep 10: Comfort Eating & How to Transform It

This week we’re going to dig into the concept of comfort eating, and I’m going to share a brilliant way to transform it.

Not all, but many of these comfort eating habits stem from childhood. As a kid, eating is a great solution to many of our problems. But now, those habits and eating for comfort have followed us into adulthood and they’re no longer serving us as they used to, in fact, these habits are now giving us unwanted consequences that we are having to deal with too.

So how do we break this habit?! Fabulous, I want you to remember, we have power now--we can make different decisions, we can approach things, and understand things differently. Our goal here is to make sure you have places where you find comfort, just not in food and eating for comfort.

I’m going to share with you a favorite method of mine that is transformational, and the best part is, you can start using it right now to help break these habits!

Be sure to have a pen and paper handy, as you’ll need them for making your Comfort List. It is possible to retrain your brain, I am here to help you!

If you have any questions or would like me to answer a question on the podcast, head over to my Instagram @stephaniefeinmd and send me a DM!

Links & Resources:

IG: instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd
