Ep 31: Summer is Good for Weight Loss

This is the second episode of my mini-summer series! In episode 30 we talked about looking at the summer as a whole. In this episode, we are diving into the concept of summer as environmental control, specifically how summer supports weight loss.  

Seasonal foods, the weather, and longer days can make a huge difference in supporting us on our weight loss journeys. In this episode, I break down exactly how they encourage and establish long-lasting behaviors that will make it easier to make the decisions you WANT to make around your health and weight loss.

This is a great time to establish habits that support your weight loss long-term, because remember, we're losing weight, but we're also keeping it off. So use this episode to put things in place to set you up for a lifetime.

Be sure to tune in next week where we’ll chat about Summer Vacations!


Links & Resources:

Ep 30: Lose Weight This Summer – Here’s How https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147955002


IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
