Ep 34: Hunger Scale Spotlight: +3 (full)

Today we're having a Hunger Scale Spotlight, we're examining +3 on the scale. If you haven’t already, go back and check out episode 2 where I tell you all about the hunger scale and how to use it, and then episode 21 where we highlight -1 on the hunger scale.

The hunger scale is such a useful tool for weight loss – It’s always with you and sets you up for long-term success with losing weight & keeping it off. All you have to do is figure out your own personal version of it.

Some of the places people run into trouble with the hunger scale include:

  • Getting over hungry (when they’re used to ignoring their hunger cues) 
  • Deciphering the difference between satisfied and full --- +2 and +3

Most weight loss happens between these two numbers, so it’s important to remember that +3 is our teacher. When we've gone too far, we note it and examine how/why we got there--without judgment.  Then we make a plan for next time.

Want some help? Reach out to me on my website (link below) – just click the Lose Weight With Me button and let's get started!

Links & Resources:

Ep 2 -  Hunger Scale: https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147828528

Ep 21 -  Hunger Scale Spotlight: (-1) https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147911958

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
