Ep 71: Security Blanket Food

Disruptions to our typical routine, such as a work conference, vacation or even an outing with a friend, can stir up some major food drama in our minds (especially when we’re trying to lose weight).  Today I’m sharing a great way to avoid this from happening altogether!

Security Blanket Food.

This SBF, something you plan for and have quick access to, acts as a safety net to prevent overhunger.  Overhunger leads to mind drama, aka brain chatter, about when and what to eat. Incessantly.

Tune in for my list of Security Blanket Food options that are non-perishable, easily portable, and protein rich. Sure to do the trick on silencing the overhungry brain so you can easily keep on track and enjoy your outing/vakay/conference.

It’s an easy, straightforward way to feel control over your food environment, even when you don’t have as much control as usual. 

If you’d like more information on this, or personalized help with your weight loss journey reach out to me on my website stephaniefeinmd.com or over on my instagram at instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd


Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
