Ep 124:  Is Home Cooking Needed for Weight Loss?

"Once Upon a (Cooking) Time..."


. . . there was a pristine kitchen overflowing with colorful baskets of organic vegetables, bubbling matching pots on the stove, swoon-worthy smells wafting through the air, and a perfectly coiffed woman clad in a lacy apron and calm demeanor.


That was my fantasy--based on all the Leave it to Beaver reruns I internalized as a kid.


Then there's my reality: I don't actually like cooking.


Admitting this was no easy feat.

I want to give you permission to accept your true chef-iness.


When we do, we can go about planning our food with our preferences and abilities in mind.




In today's episode of the Weight Loss for Fertility podcast we tackle:

  • Culinary Misconceptions: Just because you've been told you "should" like cooking doesn’t mean you have to. Discovering your true feelings about it can be liberating.


  • Finding Solutions: Practical answers that suit your tastes and lifestyle range from Top Chef to Trader Joe’s ready-made meals to Restaurant Reviewer to discovering that your partner loves to cook.
  • Crafting Happiness: Encouraging an honest look at our culinary preferences allows us to build a joyful, functional approach to feeding ourselves and our families, without the weight of unnecessary guilt.


So, let's release those outdated expectations and create a plan that truly feeds both body and soul.

Join us for the latest episode of the Weight Loss for Fertility podcast and find your inner Bobby Flay or happily not.




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