Past Blog/Videos

Food, Fuel and Summer Camp Jul 18, 2018



Remember summer camp?


Day camp.  Sleep-away camp.  Family camp.


I did ‘em all.


It was such a break from my regular life. A separate, exciting world of friends and fun. My brain could relax, there was nothing to get done.


The setting...

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Road Trip: 4 Eating Guidelines Jul 11, 2018



We just got back from a road trip to Yellowstone National Park.


It was the longest drive we’ve ever taken as a family. Over 15 hours each way.


We passed through parts of Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The red, dry deserts gave way to green...

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Sour Grapes Jul 04, 2018



I love grapes. Sweet. Satisfying. I buy them all the time.


And my husband taught me a valuable grape-purchasing trick: in the market, I taste-test the grapes. I try one in the pack to make sure it’s a good batch. I only get the best.


I never used to do this, but...

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Beach Days: 4 Ideas to Get You There Jun 27, 2018



Surf’s up!


Time to head to the beach.


Having grown up in southern California, the beach holds so many memories for me.


The beach days I remember most as a kid are from camp. We’d get there by big yellow bus with our sack lunches, towels and suits...

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Cherry Season Jun 20, 2018



We love to go cherry picking every year.


There’s a short window when the cherries are ripe and it usually falls around Father’s Day and the end of school.


And it’s usually hot. Very hot.


We go to the same place each year, an hour and a half...

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Make Room for Change Jun 13, 2018



School’s out!


Remember that last week of elementary school before summer break? Before there was such a thing as “finals week”?


Watching videos, cleaning out your desk, playing games, signing yearbooks, end of year parties.


No homework.


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Tight Pants as an Opportunity Jun 06, 2018



 Ugh.  Tight pants.  They feel terrible.


Especially when they’ve hit that critical point.  You know the point . . . when they are just about too tight to wear.


“Did they shrink in the dryer?” you wonder.


“If I wear...

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Weight and Vacation May 30, 2018



I have a client; I’ll call him “Joe”.  Joe lost over 30 pounds and has kept it off for close to 3 years. In the last few months he’s been negotiating with 5 pounds that crept back on and won’t budge. And then he went on vacation . . .



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Summer is Great Environmental Control May 23, 2018



It’s official!  Summer’s a-comin’.


This weekend marks the beginning of bathing suit season. And I think you can start wearing white. (Is that still a thing?)


It’s the season for BBQs, swimming, getaways, longer days and warmer nights.


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Salad Makeover: 4 Hacks for your Salad May 16, 2018



My favorite salad bag . . .


Side note: I heart salad bags. Those things are awesome! Great time savers and portion controllers. I love anything that makes eating healthier more convenient.


So, my favorite salad bag has the calories listed as 110 without dressing and...

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A 3-Step Motherā€™s Day Strategy May 09, 2018



Mother’s Day brings to mind brunches and big family gatherings. I’m imagining hats, but I may be confusing it with Easter.


While coming together to celebrate can be joyous, this day may also be fraught. Anytime we gather as a family it’s a mixed bag of...

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Do These 4 Things the Minute You Hit Your Goal Weight May 02, 2018



You’ve finally reached your weight goal and it's time to transition to maintenance . . .




It should be a time of great celebration, but often there’s fear and resistance.


Many people are afraid that if they stop trying to lose they’ll...

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