Past Blog/Videos

The Gifts of Daylight Saving Time Ending Nov 08, 2017


Daylight Saving Time ended last weekend and while we are still adjusting to the darker evenings, consider this:


We have a golden opportunity here. 


We can fix two problems in one fell swoop: the problem of getting to bed too late and the problem of not having enough...

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Halloween Lessons Nov 01, 2017


Apparently, there are phases to Halloween candy acquisition in my house—

First there’s collecting (trick-or-treating).

Then the assessing (dumping it on the kitchen table to see what you got).

Then categorizing (chocolate vs colorful vs wrappers).

Then the trading (minimally...

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What Does a "Sale" Really Cost? Oct 25, 2017


We talked a bit about environmental control last week—the idea of not having Halloween candy in the house until the day of Halloween to protect ourselves from ourselves. 


It works.


If it’s not there, we won’t eat it.


Then a sweet reader told us...

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The Best Day to Buy Halloween Candy . . . Oct 18, 2017


. . . is October 31st.


It barely has time to settle into the bowl before little ghosts and princesses grab for their treats.


Less time alone with the candy = more available for the costumed kids.


Universal goal of Halloween achieved!


But, I learned this trick...

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Happier Holidays with Dr. Stephanie Fein Oct 11, 2017


There are only a few days left to watch my Free Video Series: Happier Holidays with Dr. Stephanie Fein

The 4th and final video release, yesterday, marked the first availability of the Happier Holidays Program.  The 12-week Program will start on Sunday (yay!).  Join us...

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Why We Overeat and How to Fix It Oct 04, 2017


I don’t know about you, but the shock has barely worn off and the sadness has set in.  This has been a hard week and I needed to acknowledge the confusion and disappointment in the air. 

And the sadness. The deep sadness. 

I’m making a special effort to keep my...

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The Holiday Bermuda Triangle Sep 27, 2017


Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Oh my!


They conjure up thoughts of pumpkins and falling leaves, warm family gatherings, pine trees and wrapping paper . . .


. . . and candies and pies, stuffing and gravy, cookies and eggnog.


Overeating is as much a part...

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Ruin Your Appetite Sep 20, 2017


I was hungry one evening not too long ago, but I knew I was going to a favorite restaurant with my husband later so I waited to eat. 


Big mistake.


Because I get physically uncomfortable (tummy and headache) and very irritable. 


In order to protect my kids...

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Plan For It Sep 14, 2017


There was a time in American history when the majority of homes had a dedicated homemaker.  She (as it usually was a she) kept the home running smoothly including planning and preparing all the meals for the family members.  Eating out was a rare occurrence.



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Lean In Sep 07, 2017


“I’m going on a diet”


“I’m starting a new diet on Monday”


“I’m dieting, so I can’t eat that”


How often have we heard those phrases (or said them ourselves!)?  The diet...

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Thank you, Body! Aug 31, 2017


It was going to be a long afternoon—the next three hours were tightly scheduled: picking up kids from two different schools, taking one to an appointment and the other a class, fitting in getting gas for the car, cash for the week and picking up my long lost dry cleaning. ...

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No More Tears . . . Aug 24, 2017



I saw this cartoon on social media and “get it” all too well.  Even if you feel this way, I’m going to encourage you to hop on the scale. Regularly.


Here’s why:


It’s important to have and use data.  The classic analogy is...

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